
YesNutri Prenatal DHA Algae Oil


Benefits of Algae Oil DHA to Mother:

  • Supplement extra requirement of pregnancy[7]
  • Reduce chance of preterm labour[7,8]
  • Promote joint health: gaining weight increases burden of joints[12,13]
  • Maintain cardiovascular health: support extra workload during labour[14]
  • Relieve bad mood and depression symptoms[15]
  • Maintain digestive system for better nutrient absorption[16]


Benefits of Algae Oil DHA to Baby:

  • Increase gestation length and birth weight[7,8]
  • Improve IQ and concentration[3]
  • Support eye and vision development[7,17]
  • More attentive and observant[4,5]
  • Protect against allergies[7,9-11]
  • Better eye and hand coordination[7]
  • Improve problem-solving ability[7]

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Product Name:

YesNutri Prenatal DHA Algae Oil

Pack Size:

60 Tablets

Place of Origin:

Vitamins For Life 248 Wagner Street, Middlesex, NJ 08846, U.S.A.

Recommended Daily Dose/ Direction:

Adults take 1-2 capsules once daily; Suitable for prenatal / pregnant / postnatal / lactating women.

Nutrition Information:

Mom’s DHA Intake Doubles the Benefit

DHA is a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid. It cannot be synthesized by the human body, but can only be obtained from diet. DHA is a major component of the brain, retina and nerve cell membrane.[1] The mother is the sole source of nutrients for the fetus while nutrition requirement for the mother increases during pregnancy. Without adequate nutritional replenishment, critical nutrients could be depleted with adverse consequences for both mother and fetus, affecting development of the baby in womb and after birth.


Critical Time-points: Prenatal / Pregnant / Lactating

Adequate intake of DHA by the mother during the before and during pregnancy is of great importance to support the need for fetus brain, eyes and nerve development. As for young infants, their DHA intake relies on breast milk or baby formula. For mother who wishes to breastfeed, they should obtain extra DHA during pregnancy and lactating period to boost the DHA concentration in blood and in breast milk.[2] Do get well-prepared to welcome the new family member for his or her health and future.


Boosting Brain Development of Baby

The most dramatic development of the nervous system occurs prenatally and early postnatally. Maternal and neonatal concentrations of DHA are associated with improved outcomes in early infancy, and favorable neurodevelopmental outcome and improved intelligence scores beyond early infancy.[3] Children whose mothers have supplemented DHA during pregnancy are significantly more interactive and attentive with better academic performance. Studies show that children deficient in Omega-3 essential fatty acids may have more behavioral problems, such as hyperactivity and learning difficulty.[4,5]


Recommended intake of DHA for pregnant and lactating mother is 200mg per day.[6] You may be surprised that people could hardly meet the suggested amount from food and drinks alone. A daily capsule of XXX Prenatal Algae Oil DHA helps you to fulfill the daily DHA requirement, guarding the health of both mother and baby.


DHA Helps Delivery to Term

Carrying a baby to term is very important because prematurity is the cause of various infant health problems. DHA supplementation during pregnancy could delay the onset of delivery to term or closer to term. Prenatal supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to a trend in increased birth weight. Adequate DHA intake during pregnancy and lactation could help to reduce the chance of the development of childhood allergic problems in respiratory, immunology and dermatology.[7-11]


Pure and High Quality Algae Oil DHA

Many of the oily fish high in omega-3 are positioned at the top of the food chain and are more likely to accumulate contaminants, such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Consuming polluted fish could cause toxin accumulation, posing harm to the body. YesNutri Prenatal DHA Algae Oil is originated from unpolluted algae at the bottom of food chain, thus not necessary to worry about toxin accumulation which happens in fish. The product does not give fishy odour which very often triggers nausea and morning sickness of mothers during pregnancy.

References code:



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